Xionic Madness Wiki

“I was a wonder of science. You gave me life, for the sole purpose of taking others away. My core is even designed to recharge everytime I kill somebody. So, hey; I might as well kill everyone and live forever. Don't you think?” — Kary-08 in Xionic Madness 4.

The first main character to be introduced in the Xionic Madness series, Kary is a robot created by Askad. She is the most powerful member of Bolverk Squad, with Omega even admitting she could kill him.

It's later revealed she's been working against the squad before betraying and capturing Omega and Xero to deliver them to the Overseer.


Life prior to initiation of "Kareleinne-08" project[]

Kary, whose true name remains redacted, is the daughter of Askad and an unnamed woman who also worked for MBORF. Because she was the main priority of Askad and the unnamed mother, her parents were both demoted to maintaining more simpler robots and machines. On one fateful day, a terrible accident caused the death of her mother, mortal damage to Askad, and her own loss of memory. MBORF's threat to dealing with her, along with death from the sustained injuries, had forced Askad into being initiated to the "Askad" project. Kary was then sent to a foster family and told that both her parents had died in an accident so that she may live a normal life. However, she started showing signs of nostalgia and felt as if she was meant to be somewhere else.

She lived like this for ten years until one night when two robbers break into her home and killed everyone. After alerting the robbers by screaming, she too was killed. Askad, having been mortified by the news, had revived the sentient A.I. project that he and his wife had started years ago bent on reviving the last member of his family. After modifying her to the specs'. of the "Kareleinne-08" project, Askad put in the final piece; an experimental power core that powered her heart and mind which what to him was a happy moment, for the upper chain of command was a stunning breakthrough.

Initiation into the Bolverk Squad[]

Upon waking up, Kareleinne-08 recognized Askad as a sibling and not her father. She quickly teamed with Askad forming the Bolverk squad. Her performance in given operations exceeded the expectations of the MBORF administrators and her powers continued to grow. However, after some time they receive a new member; commander of the Omicron Squad whose veteran experience leading a group of expert soldiers poses him as an exceptional member of the Bolverk Squad and soon fit for the "Omega" project after a life-threatening event. Despite her exponential power, the experimental power core that powers her and keeps her alive destabilizes her mind and cognitations, meaning that Askad must perform routine check-ups and maintenance on her from time to time. It was not soon until she begins to think about the morality of killing humans.

Upon Omega's initiation, they began operating under more inconspicuous missions and performing black operations involving even more killing which clouded her mind even more. Upon activation of the "Xero" project, she was already yearning for freedom and to cease killing. After the most recent mission that had proved problematic, Kary had asked the Overseer for freedom and to do what she wanted at her own whim. The Overseer then promised her that freedom will be compensated for the deaths of her fellow members during Operation_"XV termination". However, only Askad died in the mission, and Omega and Xero were brought back to base and imprisoned.


Later in the series, it is revealed that her energy core has been upgraded to the extent that it recharges every time she kills somebody. With this being the case, she reveals her plan to killing "everyone" though does not specify whether she implies everyone on Earth or everyone involved in their organization. She later summons an army of zombies to kill Omega and Xero when they confront her. However, Omega notices that Kary's weaker than when he last saw her, causing Kary to realize that the "upgrade" Askad gave was actually a suppressant that locked down her powers. She then shatters her upgrade, releasing the restriction on her strength, and replaces it with the Executioner's mask. Though it does increase the efficiency and output of her energy core by three-folds, it was at the cost of at least half of her current vital energy which was approximately 49.86% at the time, forcing her to take it off later.

The group of cyborg combatants are soon visited by a robot with a familiar personality, who is revealed to be Askad in a robot body, constructed in case Kary went insane and found out her glasses put a taxing affect on her powers. Askad expresses disappointment at Kary's tactic of playing with her enemies instead of dealing with them, and keeps her occupied while Xero and Omega fight off more zombies. However, Askad doesn't even posess a fraction of the power needed to take her on, so he sacrifices himself by self destructing, creating an EMP blast that disactivates Kary's system, preventing her from using any of her abilities.


Kary finally begins to break down, as the weakened cybernetic duo close down on her. In a final effort, she blasts the ground and creates a blinding dust cloud, then uses it to sneak around and backstab Omega, seemingly killing him. She gains the upper hand by slashing at Xero a bunch of times and was about to kill him too, but was suddenly interrupted by Omega partially mutating into XV and reawakening. In her severely weakened state, she was beaten by XV, despite its supposed inferiority to her. Realizing she can't get out of this alive, she stabs herself with the Longinus Knife. After saying a few kind words for Askad, she explodes and is reduced to dust.


Kary is shown to be an exceptionally powerful character, easily the most powerful in the series. Her manipulation over energy gives her immense versatility and the ability to counter almost any threat she faces.

Her abilities seem to increase with each episode. In Episode 1, she displayed great power in using a massive wave of her energy to annihilate a group of Infected Beings, but was exhausted and forced to shut down to recharge. In Episode 2, she gained the power of telekinesis after obtaining Askad's glasses to "upgrade" herself, using it to kill Bio Int reinforcements and levitate at the end of the episode. By Episode 3, her power seemed to have increased exponentially, being able to easily perform feats that were on par or greater than her massive energy blast in Episode 1, and was increased even further by destroying Askad's glasses and obtaining the Executioner's Mask.

Energy Manipulation[]

Kary's powers stem from the energy of her core, which she is able to easily manipulate in its raw form. She commonly uses her ability to fire balls of energy at her enemies, which can easily kill a human in one hit. She is able to charge her attacks indefinitely too, increasing their power and explosiveness. She destroys the Overseer's command shuttle in one shot seemingly effortlessly in Episode 4, demonstrating her incredible strength. She also makes use of her Necrotic Shield as her primary defensive measure, an energy barrier that disintegrates incoming projectiles with ease.

After obtaining her Executioner's Mask, her power ramps up exponentially at the cost of her core draining faster. In this state, her hair crackles with energy and her attacks become much stronger. She is able to summon and control Demon Tricky, an immense, incorporeal creature made of raw energy. She also summons a scythe of energy, although she never uses it.

After being hit by robo-Askad's suicide EMP, several of her powers were disabled, the most notable being her Necrotic Shield.

Kary's energy supply is restored each time she kills someone, allowing her to recharge in the heat of combat. This is demonstrated in Episode 1, where she is able to convert corpses into balls of energy which she can then use.


After acquiring Askad's glasses in Episode 2, she apparently gains the power of telekinesis, allowing her to manipulate matter around her. She demonstrates this by catching a wave of bullets fired at her by Bio Int reinforcements then fires back at them, killing most of her enemies. She later uses her power to remotely discharge bullets from a gun and "shoot" at a wounded soldier with them. She is also able to levitate herself, she was operating.

Her telekinesis returned in Episodes 3 and 4, where she is commonly seen flying when in combat with Omega, Xero and Robo-Askad. Her greatest display of this power is seen when she throws entire buildings at Omega and Xero, although it requires considerable effort from her.


Kary is shown to have a peculiar power in necromancy in resurrecting a seemingly endless zombie army under her command during her battle with Omega and Xero. Some of the resurrected zombies are even giant ones, despite there being no human beings or "Mag Agents" seen of that size in the series. However, this drains a significant amount of her energy, allowing Xero to catch her off-guard and impale her some time later.


Kary is able to create an exact clone of herself with much weaker powers and abilities, which she tried to use to trick Omega and Xero soon. However, the duo were very suspicious of how quickly the clone was defeated and were not fooled by his trick.

Superhuman resistance[]

Kary's body is extremely durable, able to withstand at least as much punishment as Omega and Xero in their Cervical Armor. She also has amazing regenerative properties and regenerates a huge gash on her stomach after Xero impales her. However, this regeneration is not used at any other point in the series, so it likely consumes a large amount of his energy.

Superhuman Speed[]

Kary is shown to be able to keep up with Xero in his element of close combat, a feat no one else (except maybe Omega) can claim to. At one point, she was even able to repeatedly kick at a rate faster than even Xero could react, allowing her to hit him multiple times.


  • Kary and Askad are the only characters to never change voice actors.
  • She is the only antagonist to be a member of the Bolverk Squad.


